Let's Discuss! - Coming Soon!

Benjamin Andrew 95! is ready to post for the first time!

Let's Discuss! - Coming Soon!

Hello World! 

I'll be posting for the first time soon! Check out this blog to find out more about Advertising, Branding, Nintendo, Current Affairs, Mascots, the '90s, Old Computers, and everything in between! 

I'm Benjamin, I live in the United Kingdom, more specifically in merry old England... and before you ask, no, I do not live in London...

- What should you expect to see on this blog? 

I'll be posting all sorts of content for everyone to enjoy (hopefully). To be more specific though, I'll be discussing a number of topics in a series of "Let's Discuss!" posts to kick the blog off. I will also post random snippets in between whenever I feel like it. If I have time, I might make a video commentary as well.  

- Sounds good to me! What will your first "Let's Discuss!" be about? 

Well, it will be titled Let's Discuss!:"Mascots" - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. I will explore some of my personal favourite mascots, I will also look at some bad mascots and some pretty ugly ones as well. Come back soon to check it out!

- I can't wait that long....can't you give me something right now?!

...OK, I won't leave you with nothing...I tell you what...I'll sign off with a taster for the future. 

It's your favourite plumber & green dinosaur combination, Mario & Yoshi! 

Thanks for stopping by! See you again soon!

Benjamin Andrew 95! 
